What Poetry Form Are You?
The ballad, I; I shun the world,
   Its bustle and its noise,
Its busy hasty rushing crowds
   And bright consumer toys.

Indeed, I sometimes like the old
   Because it's not the new;
And if you think that's strange or wrong,
   I might not much like you.
To include the above on your page, simply copy and paste the HTML below.
Don't like either of your given forms? Feel free to choose another.
a Clerihew
a Triolet
a Haiku
Blank Verse
a Limerick
Heroic Couplets
a Rubai
a Cinquain
Free Verse
a Sonnet
Ottava Rima
a Lai
a Descort
a Tanka
a Cywydd Llosgyrnog
Terza Rima

Poems written by Holly