What Poetry Form Are You?
I am free verse,
and know the rules,
and use them -
when they suit me,
which admittedly
tends not to be the case.
tradition, laws;
very much not
my sort
of thing,
I fear.
Perhaps, on occasion,
I go too far in the opposite direction,
and shun the accepted merely because it's accepted,
accepting its opposite merely because it isn't;
but since it's clearly
better that than
being normal;
To include the above on your page, simply copy and paste the HTML below.
Don't like either of your given forms? Feel free to choose another.
a Clerihew
a Triolet
a Haiku
Blank Verse
a Limerick
Heroic Couplets
a Rubai
a Ballad
a Cinquain
a Sonnet
Ottava Rima
a Lai
a Descort
a Tanka
a Cywydd Llosgyrnog
Terza Rima

Poems written by Holly