What powers are there?
The following powers are available:
- Celerity (3 Levels Available): the Vampire's action points normally recharge once every 30 minutes. Each level of Celerity reduces this by 5 minutes.
- Suction: the Vampire extracts an extra pint of blood from each victim, at no extra cost.
- Surprise: the Vampire can enter a square that would usually be considered overcrowded.
- Perception (2 levels available): at level 1 the Vampire can detect nearby vampire hunters, and hear the sound of clinking coins. At level 2, the vampire can concentrate to detect hunters further away (from the More Commands menu).
- Stamina (3 Levels Available): the Vampire usually has a 50 Action Point maximum. Each level of Stamina increases this by 10. Stamina also affords extra resistance against some attacks.
- Shadows (3 Levels Available): Vampires usually disappear from sight if they don't move for 4 days. For each level of Shadows, a Vampire disappears one day sooner. Also, at level 3, confers the ability to double-shot garlic spray in a single action.
- Locate (3 Levels Available): Using Locate, you can find out where a Vampire is. At level one you can only tell distance; at level two you can tell distance and direction; at level three you can tell exact location. Uses one action point per target. Used from the "More Commands" screen.
- Thievery (3 Levels Available): At level one, up to 25% of the target's money can be stolen; 50% at level two, 75% at level three. Higher levels also have their chance of failure decreased. A 'rob' option appears next to the usual 'drink' option if you have this power.
- Telepathy (3 Levels Available): The vampire is able to send telepathic messages to other vampires, no matter where they are. At level one it costs ten action points to send a telepathic message. At level two it costs six. At level three it costs two. Sending a message to your sire or one of your childer costs half the action points of communicating with other vampires, ie. it costs only one action point to communicate with one of your childer using level three telepathy.
- Charisma (3 Levels Available): A vampire with Charisma can get directions from humans more quickly, and discounts on purchases (in pubs, 10%, 20% and 30%; in shops, 3%, 7% and 10% as level increases).
- Thrift (3 Levels Available): gives a 5/10/15% chance that when you use an item it is not consumed.
- Second-sight (available only to donating Vampires (at least $5), as it increases server load): the Vampire can examine the statistics of other Vampires. Uses half an action point per target. Used by clicking on the name of the target vampire.
There is also the power of Neutrality, which is a two-edged power; it prevents you from using Holy Water, and reduces damage done to you by Holy Water (reduced to 1, with Neutrality-3), it prevents damage from Scrolls of Turning used by or on you. When a Neutral vampire robs a non-Neutral, or vice-versa, half their take is claimed by the Peacekeepers Guild. Similarly, BattleCloak makes a vampire only able to engage in combat with other BattleCloaked vampires, though it doesn't effect Thievery or biting. A BattleCloaked vampire goes into Torpor if their blood goes below 10, which makes them unable to engage or be engaged in combat at all. Torpor ends when blood goes above 250.